I help parents trapped in anger and burnout free themselves from overwhelming guilt and shame.

Find Your Balance & Inner Calm


4 steps to pause and regroup when it's taking
everything you have not to lose it with your kids.

Compassionate Heart Mindful Life

Let's be real, parenting is way harder and way less fun than any of us were expecting.

“The kids are finally asleep. I'm exhausted, overwhelmed, and stressed out. The house is a mess. That thing for work is coming up. I didn't think life was going to be like this.”

“I lost my temper too many times, I tried so hard to be patient but I was on edge all day. I didn't think life was going to be like this.” 

Feel familiar? This is parenting burnout and if you can relate, you are not alone. Burnout is giving and giving until you are exhausted and have nothing left but still feeling like it's not enough.

Here you will find:

  • Strategies to reclaim your sanity and clarity of mind 
  • Tools to find relief from shame and mom guilt
  • A game plan to shift from yelling to connecting with your children 
  • How to pause so you can respond rather than react in life’s toughest parenting moments
  • A deep sense in your core you are not alone and you are a good Mom
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I'm Michelle Puster (she/her), a Certified Mindfulness Informed Professional, licensed therapist, and a mom of three. I quickly slipped into parenting burnout after I had my third child and experienced painful depression and anxiety for several years before I found a path out of burnout.

I created Compassionate Heart Mindful Life to share what I learned with busy Moms who care deeply, are trying so hard, and need support with the ever increasing guilt, self blame, and feeling like you're failing. You are not failing and you are not alone!

Have you ever found yourself trying not to lose it getting your kids ready for school, listening to their whining, sibling fighting in the car, over dinner tantrums, during teeth brushing meltdowns, and on and on?


4 steps to pause and regroup when it's taking everything you have not to lose it with your kids

This is where the Rage Break comes in. It's a free audio file for you to listen to on the floor of your bathroom, walking around the outside of your car, anytime anywhere you are about to lose it or or have just lost it and you are desperately trying to find your footing again.

Real Life, Real Compassion

As a mom to 3 highly sensitive and strong-willed kids, my life is never easy going. 

Read (or listen) to how I use mindfulness and self-compassion in day-to-day challenges to stay sane and ward off burnout.  I’ll show you how to do the same.

As a mom, you need regular reminders that you aren’t alone and are not crazy. You aren’t the only one struggling or who feels parenting is not at all what you expected.


4 steps to pause and regroup when it's taking everything you have not to lose it with your kids

Let’s Connect!

(Receive my weekly blog in your inbox with audio file if you are like me and you prefer to listen.)

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