Who is this course for?

This course is designed for parents who struggle with losing their temper and want to break the cycle of yelling. Whether dealing with everyday stressors or intense parenting challenges, "From Yelling to Connecting" will help you find your inner calm and build a stronger, more positive relationship with your kids.

What purchasing options do I have for this course?

You can either purchase the course with 4 group coaching call with Michelle or the course only with no coaching calls.

What can I expect to learn from this course?

You’ll learn how to respond to stressors that often lead to yelling skillfully, adjust your daily routine on more challenging days, and care for yourself to recover quickly after losing your temper. Most importantly, you'll gain tools to break free from the yelling cycle and learn how to respond to your children with patience and understanding rather than impulsively.

Will this course help me if I’ve already tried other parenting techniques?

Absolutely! "From Yelling to Connecting" focuses on the root causes of yelling and offers practical strategies to address them. Whether you’ve tried other methods or are new to this journey, the course provides fresh insights and tools to create lasting change.

Do I need any prior experience or knowledge to take this course?

No prior experience is necessary. This course is designed for all parents, regardless of where you are on your parenting journey. The techniques are straightforward and easy to implement.

How can I get the most out of this course?

This course is self-paced, and you can work through it at any pace that feels best for you. However, ideally, you work through one lesson per week and practice what you have learned in between sessions.

What if I need more time for a lesson?

If you didn’t have enough time to get through the lesson and/or you simply feel you could use more time on the concept feel free to stretch one concept into multiple weeks.

Do I have to complete the lessons in order?

No! Feel free to jump around as you’d like.

Can I rewatch the videos and/or redo the worksheets?

Yes! You have lifetime access to this course, and you are encouraged to rewatch and re-complete the worksheets as often as you think would be helpful.

How is the course structured?

The course is self-paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience. It includes video lessons, practical exercises, and reflection prompts that guide you through transforming your approach to parenting from reactive to responsive.

How much does this course cost?

This course costs $447 when bundled with the group calls and $247 for the course only. 

What is included with the course?

This course includes seven weeks' worth of video content, workbook pages, journal prompts, activities, and bonus meditations. It also includes four group calls to talk through your progress and questions and coaching from Michelle.

When are the group coaching calls?

You can always find the current coaching schedule on this page of the website. You need to show up to the call-blocks closest to when you registered.

What if I don’t have time to take a course?

We understand how busy parenting can be! That’s why this course is designed to fit into your schedule. You can complete the lessons at your own pace, whether that’s in one sitting or spread out over several weeks. Plus, the strategies you’ll learn will help you manage your time and stress more effectively, making it easier to find moments for self-care and growth.

How soon will I see the results?

Many parents start noticing a shift in their approach within the first few lessons. The key is to apply the strategies consistently. As you practice responding rather than reacting, you'll begin to see a change not only in your own behavior but also in how your children respond to you.

What if I still find myself yelling after taking the course?

This course is about progress, not perfection. It's normal to slip up, especially when you're under a lot of stress. The important thing is to use the tools you've learned to recover quickly and continue moving forward. Over time, you'll find that yelling becomes less frequent as you build new habits and strengthen your connection with your kids.

Can I retake this course or revisit lessons?

Yes! You have lifetime access to this course. Please come back and revisit it as often as you’d like!

Can I share these videos and worksheets with my mom friends?

A lot of work went into building this course, and I truly hope you find it valuable in your journey. We would greatly appreciate it if you could send them the option to enroll in the course rather than share the content with them.

Tell me about your credentials.

I am a marriage and trauma therapist. I specialize in emotional-focused therapy for couples and individuals, as well as a mama of three. 

 In my work as a therapist, I learned about attachment and connection. I learned about the bond between an infant and parent(s). As John Bowlby taught, attachment is wired in, and it goes from cradle to grave, meaning we as human beings need connection throughout our lives. 

As a parent, I began to focus my search for parenting support on methods and ideologies that were attachment-based, trauma-informed, and based in science. 

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Emotionally Focused Therapist Supervisor, and Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. I love my work and am grateful for all I learn from my clients every day.